The nation is under siege by those who have internalised the coucasian (Arabs, Jews and European) cultures.
We can no longer think as communal as our origin entails.
This a country where a Jew to an average Christian southerner is more a brother than a pure but Muslim northerner, same to a northern Muslim, who sees Arabian as a brother than a sounthern Christian.
We are one the most corrupt people to have ever inhabit the earth, with one of the most highest number of prayer chambers in the world.

We are one of the many pre-colonial society like those of American Indians to have developed our own scientific culture based on symbiotic relationship with the natural environmrnt. Our parents walked around and engaged in all daily activities, semi naked with high moral consciousness.
The issue of corruption was not in any case closed what we started experiencing during the stages of colonialism from the era of primitive acumulation, slave trade, legitimate trade, new imperialism, colonialism to the present day neo-colonial age, under the guise of either world new order or globalization,all which had, have and is still present in our land for hundreds of years and uptill date.
India, China, Japan and most other Tiger countries rejected colonial and other foreign religions, and instead borrowed, integrate the colonial science with the local science. Today they are scientifically and economically competing with these countries where these so-called world religions originate. For those that accepted everything from the East or West, like Nigeria, the result is clear for all to see. It entails that you cannot copy and be perfectly more than the original source or atleast compete, you have to be creative, like the linguistic mode of intertextuality.
Can Nigeria and Africa spear some time and think much of the phenomenal, but peace-based destructive functions that these adopted religions had offered through the years?
Why do we hate ourselves and are confused?
The answer is likely more simple than thought, we are a culture-borrowed society, where nothing is any longer original except our physical and biological element.
Though, retracing our roots or being nostalgic about our past is no solution, but the mere knowledge of our non-corrupt fore fathers and the resolve to have strong will to make amends can help our renaissance, as time keeps moving our Jennha or paradise wait or atleast it attainment will be more easily access if we become sincere to ourselve, and stop using the concept of religion as excuss or shield what we are doing so wrongly...